Tap into your power

Our one-of-a-kind machine learning allows you to identify your crystal with a snap! Simply take a photo and catalogue it into your collection to keep track of all your favorite crystals.

Tap into your power with our 300+ crystal database and connect to your crystals in a deeper way. Get more out of the crystals you have and learn more about the crystals you want.

Share your love of crystals with the community and help raise awareness of the movement for ethically sourced crystals.
Learn The Power of Your Crystals
Gone are the days of forgetting what your crystals are or what they do. With the power of CrystalEyes, you can identify, catalogue and learn more about all your special crystal friends. We shine a light on crystal suppliers who are focused and dedicated to bringing you ethically-sourced crystals in a world where secrecy of source is all too often the case. Join the community that is dedicated to ensuring the beautiful healing powers of crystals are coming from sources that aren’t inflicting pain.